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Specialising in Spirituality, Relationship Harmony, Wholistic Health and Creating a Life You Wish to Live, by celebrating the Union of Mind, Body, Spirit.
Celia Fuller is an energetic and entertaining speaker who livens up any special event. She inspires people on many different levels by drawing upon over 20 years of experience as an Inspirational Speaker, Wholistic Counsellor, Spiritual Teacher and Natural Therapist, by combining her profound insight and wisdom to help others. Her stories and style are unique and fast paced. Event speaking, dinners or group training, you name it and she can do it with professional finesse.
She is humorous, down to earth and a lot of fun!! Celia does thorough pre-event research and customises the program for your company, products and situation.
Let her kick start your event with charisma or finish it with a buzz. Either way the success of your event is safe in her hands and your people will thank you.
Past presentations include the well attended Mind Body Spirit Festivals of Australia, Appin Hall Children’s Foundation, Rotary and Lions clubs, Theosophical Society, along with staff training in a few local government institutions of hospitals, school and council. She was the event organiser of the inspiring Spirit Talk Healing Festival in North Queensland for their Carnivale weekend. Celia is the creator of the ‘Mastery of The Self” seminar and training series based on Spirituality and Mysticism along with her new self published book series on finding relationship harmony through insight and awareness.
Mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing is at the core of all presentations. Private consultations are available through phone or skype.
Celia’s 3 books:
Pergnancy and Birth: The Conspiracy of Silence
‘The Secrets Out! Men and Sex, Why Women Say No’
Kind Words Uplift
Appin Hall Children’s Foundation
To our pleasant surprise Celia handled the evening and all the guests with the entertaining gloves of a true professional. She captivated us all with her one liners, favorably relaxed the entire audience with her cheerful, funny and original banter. Her warmth and enthusiasm combined to lift the start of the evening, introduce many individuals and groups in attendance, and wittingly, drew everyone into instant rapport and laughter, which culminated in a successful event- thanks to her!
We laughed, felt proud, in good hands, and were so pleased Celia stood up to entertain our guests. To say Celia’s presence was inspiring is not enough. Expose this women to your audience and watch what happens.”
Maggie and Ronnie Burns (Co-founders) Appin Hall Children’s Foundation Mind Body Spirit Festival –Australia
“Celia’s Fuller’s lectures were well attended and her audience reaction was positive, with many people staying back afterwards to speak with Celia further. Celia is a delight to work with, she is not only professional, but a very warm and generous person with her time. I don’t hesitate to recommend Celia for any speaking engagements and we hope she is able to continue her involvement with the Mind Body Spirit Festivals.” Kirsty Poynter Program Manager
Tasmanian Mind Body Spirit Expos
Celia Fuller’s lecture topics are varied, from mental and physical health to spiritual development. It is common for members of the audience to actively participate in questions and further exploration of the topic, stimulated by the interesting nature and style of Celia’s presentation. On several occasions her lectures have attracted audiences which overflow the seating area, followed by extensive clapping . I recommend Celia as a speaker of talent, wit and wisdom.
Dr Jason Betts : organizer Penguin District School
Celia Fuller’s delivery was both relevant and practical. She has an outstanding ability to readily gain the audiences confidence, thus ensuring ready participation by all in a number of potential, personally threatening practical activities.
The school highly recommends her as an engaging and motivational public speaker.”
Jane Morrison (Teacher Training) Penguin District School” “LIVING MUSICALLY FINDING HARMONY
Creative, Flexible, Thinking and Living
Drawing on over 25 years as a meditation facilitator Celia explores how your creativity, intuition, inner potential and stress can be transformed through the power and focus of mindfulness meditation. As the function of your brain is explored you will discover how easy it is to reclaim your daily emotional, mental balance point.
Stripping the Layers back for Personal Success
Redefining what individual success means by discovering your authentic self, the driving force behind every decision you make. Peeling back the layers of psychology and limiting beliefs that prevent the Powerful Passionate You from showing your unique gifts to the world. Reclaim confidence, passion and joy.
Getting the Bounce back in Work and Play
Enjoy this frank, open and humorous talk based on subjects often considered taboo. Discover how emotional issues around intimacy, finances and grief can disturb the balance in relationships and career focus. This is a brand new way of looking at how highly emotional issues influence the ability to penetrate the glass ceiling.
Renew your energy, vitality and focus by celebrating being a woman in all your glory. Discover how the life stages of being a wife, partner or mother, creates a CEO mindset of potentiality. Micro managing parenting skills will now be seen with clarity and awe as you discover that women are the maker of nations. This session supports and encourages women to be ‘The Best They Can Be’.
Transform your business and personal life by understanding the power of appreciation and giving back. Create the life you want to live through changing your mindset and discover how abundance follows passion, clarity and inner peacefulness. Discover a new healthy mindset for abundance creating opportunities.
Dismal Relationships cause Dismal Outcomes
A frank and enlightening presentation based on female sexuality and her emotional issues that affect a man’s productivity at home and in the office. Lessen your chance of divorce and put sex back on the menu. Based on Celia’s relationship rescue book ‘The Secrets Out! Men and Sex, Why Women Say No’.
A powerful and insightful journey into how our minds work and why we react the way we do. Discover how thoughts and events influence the subconscious mind which then translates in day to day choices, actions and reactions. Reclaim your power, take ownership of your life, overcome negative spiraling thinking and be a happier healthier you.