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“Living on Purpose is about building relevance and joy into your life. To savor what has been given to you and share it with your family, friends, community and the world.” Hank and Nicole
Experts on: Speakers, authors, trainers/facilitators, coaching, assessments
Hank and Nicole are definitely a power couple who can deliver life changing experiences to individuals and corporations. For nearly a decade, they’ve been two of the Ken Blanchard company’s most effective facilitators, building leadership and self leadership skills for optimal business results for Fortune500 companies around the world. Ken Blanchard has been a giant in the global training industry for more than 30 years. This knowledge and experience was the foundation for the book that had to be written because Hank and Nicole realized that they had something new and exceptional to add to their arsenal against the ennui that was endemic in organizations and in the general public.
Their extensive work with thousands of people, in 20 countries and dozens of small and large companies proved that people who reach the highest levels of success in both their business and personal lives, are those that have a clear purpose, a well-defined and a clearly articulated plan. This seems so obvious, but it isn’t. The book, ‘Live on Purpose’ is now in its second season as ‘Live on Purpose – Mastery Class’. The response to the book has been phenomenal and the two life and business partners have founded a new venture, Mastery Coaching & Consulting Pty Ltd (part of Mastery Global), and have developed a holistic learning strategy that includes a 2-day seminar, online course, webinars, keynotes, group and individual coaching.
Living on purpose is how they’ve lived their lives and as humble and grateful as they are today, the idea of influencing people in every walk of life, from teens to company executives is exhilarating. The insights gained from their personal successes and challenges, and the opportunity of working with thousands more people to create meaningful and passionate lives is what makes this part of their journey even more exciting.
Qualifications, Hank and Nicole
- Certified facilitators of most of Blanchard’s flagship programs, including Situational Leadership II Experience, Frontline Leadership, Team Leadership, Leading People Through Change, and Optimal Motivation.
- Accredited in Roche Martin’s Emotional Intelligence systems
- Accredited in Wiley’s 5 Behaviours of a Cohesive Team
- Accredited in Wiley’s Everything DISC Assessments
- NLP practitioners, business and life coaches
- Represent the Desmond Tutu “Tutudesk Campaign” in Australia.
A partial client list
- Allan Gray
- Coca-Cola
- Johnson & Johnson
- Microsoft
- American Express
A sample list of programs and services
Live on Purpose – Breakthrough Seminar & Coaching Program
We live in a fast paced, diverse and uncertain world that demands an unprecedented level of life mastery. In this high impact, inspiring and practical seminar, you will learn proven strategies for effectively and creatively navigating the challenges and the unlimited opportunities in every area of your life.
Get your Sh*ft Together – in Love, Leadership and Life
Nicole delivers a 2 day program, designed to help you achieve realistic goals in every area of your life by developing your skills, building your awareness, agility and authenticity.
Leadership Boot Camp
This program is designed for people who are new to a leadership role or those who aspire to one. You’ll gain insight into how people have achieved high performance. Using an effective multi-dimensional approach of workshops and coaching tailored and individualized group follow up compounds skills mastery for maximum results.
One-on-One Executive Coaching
A decade of working with executives in many successful global companies has demonstrated the results that personalized and individualized coaching can have on high potential people and the trickle-down effect on the organization. It’s a small investment in big results.
Sample Speaking Topics
Mastering Yourself
In this powerful keynote Hank examines and unveils the neuroscience that will enable you to live your life on purpose and by your rules.
Mastering your Business
Being an entrepreneur is like a boxing match that you can’t afford to lose. You have to be relentless and keep moving forward. Hank exposes the success characteristics for a winning match
How to lead… on purpose
Effective leadership is experienced, not learned. While you can gain insights and practice in a classroom, Hank expounds on a decade of learning gained from delivering the Ken Blanchard programs to thousands of executives. As most teachers will agree, the knowledge they received from their students is the best part of teaching. Hank shares that knowledge with you.
Mastering Sales
Everything we do today requires selling. We don’t sell products and services. We sell ourselves. Hank shows you how to become a master influencer by first achieving clarity about ‘why’ people buy and illuminates the ‘how’ and the ‘what’
The Speed of Change
As our world changes at the speed of light, the challenge of keeping up and staying relevant and engaged becomes more difficult. Through inspiring stories and magical lives, they demonstrate how to meet challenges face on.
What clients say:
“I’m a big fan of Hank van der Merwe and his book Live on Purpose – Mastery Class. Somebody told me recently that you should be yourself because everyone else is taken. I think Hank has a wonderful formula for helping you be yourself and for recognizing those aspects of your life that hold you back – as well as what you need to do to be your best. Read this book and become who you want to be.” Ken Blanchard, Co-author, The One Minute Manager and Leading at a Higher Level
“Hank delivers a powerful message. An outstanding speaker, coach and consultant, he lives the message he gives. No matter what your circumstances are, after working with Hank you will leave feeling smarter, more capable and more excited about your work, your life, and your possibilities.” Jesse Lyn Stoner, Bestselling author of Full Steam Ahead
“I’m so glad that Hank and Nicole have created a platform that’s their own. But having the knowledge and experience of Ken Blanchard’s award winning programs under their belt makes them a powerful team in this learning space.” Frans Kutumela, Senior Manager, Learning and Development, MTN
Contact info:
Phone: +61 280058275