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Janeen Sonsie

Janeen Sonsie

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Janeen will take you on a journey to ‘get real’ in your communication through being authentic.

She speaks from experience and understanding, with humour and depth, on the power of communication and connection in business and personal life, sharing proven tactics for really engaging when you communicate. To Janeen Sonsie, good business with high engagement is based on great communication that includes respect, empathy and integrity.

She brings heart and soul to the way business is done, by combining business acumen and expertise with intuitive insight and transformational personal growth. Her business knowledge is underpinned by a Master of Marketing and 15 years as a coach and facilitator for both small and large organisations. Combining the skills of a professionally trained actor and an international speaker and facilitator, she is authentic, animated and interactive in engaging her audience to be inspired and have fun. Her work has covered Asia-Pacific, the U.S. and U.K. and includes clients such as Cisco, HP and Oracle.

Author of Get the BALLS to Get REAL – 5 Authentic Strategies to be a Great Communicator (Available on Amazon).

Speaking Topics

Emotional Fitness Gym

To be the leader that people want to follow, you need to perform at your optimum; mentally, physically and emotionally. You go to school to increase your intellectual intelligence, the gym to increase your physical strength and wellness, but what do you do for your emotional health? In this presentation, Janeen will exercise your emotional intelligence and share techniques and tools for being an emotionally healthy and inspiring leader.

The BALLS 5 Authentic Strategies to be a Great Communicator

Janeen provides an overview of the BALLS strategies and how they increase the power of your communication and your ability to connect, engage and motivate others.  They will help you to confidently say what you want to say, when you need to say it – including those difficult conversations. She will provide techniques and tools to implement these strategies:

  1. Be Open and Honest – It’s the ultimate criteria for building trust in all relationships but how do we stay open and honest in our day-to-day world? Find out how to increase your confidence and self-esteem by being authentically open and honest.
  2. Adopt an Accepting Attitude – Learn how to quieten your inner critic to accept and support yourself and be less critical of others.
  3. Lose the Blame Game – Find out how to let go of the victim mentality of laying blame and judgement and instead stand up and take responsibility for your life.
  4. Listen to Understand – Discover the 10 techniques for active and engaged listening that open you up for real connection.
  5. Stay Present – Identify how to stay present in your body, mind and your conversation to keep your communication real, effective and on point.

Each strategy can be delivered in depth as an individual topic, or together as a whole workshop.

Janeen, is a skilled speaker, facilitator and trainer. We used her services at Cisco Systems. During her assignment, she brought forth a combination of real life experiences, combined with a structured training methodology. She was well organized and prepared well before each workshop, and managed to hold the attention of and add value to a bunch of seasoned professionals.”

Jangoo Dalal, CEO InsightGuru, India

“Janeen Sonsie speaks from experience, humour and depth. I was laughing, I was crying. This woman truly is an amazing speaker. She shares real life tactics on relationships for sharing how you feel about situations and being true to you.” Natasha Lefevre, Toronto

“I had the wonderful opportunity to attend a seminar where Janeen was a speaker and she was amazing! Janeen has a bright engaging personality, a great sense of humour and is very authentic! I was engaged by her on-stage charisma and off-stage she was very real and down-to-earth. A truly awesome individual, I highly recommend her!” Lorna Blake, Florida

“Janeen is a wonderful facilitator and speaker, who really knows how to capture her audience! I found this workshop made me more aware of how we need to take responsibility in how we communicate with others and ourselves. Thank you once again.“ Tanya Obradovic, Melbourne


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