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John Stanley

John Stanley

For Booking and Contact information:

John is known by clients as the Retail Guru. As a truly International speaker working in 35 countries he sees trends as they emerge and has the skill to translate them to your local market well ahead of the pack. John is based in West Australia and was awarded the Small Business Champion Entrepreneur and Educational Services in 2009 for West Australia. John has written over a dozen books on retailing and marketing and his latest book, written with his wife Linda Stanley, titled “Food Tourism: a Practical Marketing Guide to Food Tourism” provides tips and ideas for this rapidly expanding sector of retailing and marketing. John has addressed over 4000 audiences in 35 countries. He is a vibrant entertaining speaker who holds his audience in the palm of his hand, keeping them enthralled and exciting them with his insightful retail, marketing and town centre concepts. As a world renown international speaker he will keep your delegates not only enthused and inspired with his charismatic presentations, but also up to date on ideas and concepts gleaned from around the world and adapted to suit your local climate, culture, economy and lifestyle. There is no other speaker who has these skills and abilities and who understands community development, town centre retailing, small business retailing and marketing the way John Stanley does.

As A Speaker

  • John understands the trends in retailing and marketing, especially the challenges faced by small to medium size businesses, and Home Town community development around the world.
  • John has the ability to engage, inspire, entertain, and motivate his audience regardless of language or culture.
  • John has been a professional speaker for over 40 years and has helped thousands of businesses and communities develop a profitable future.
  • John is comfortable working with a translator and provides many talks in non English speaking countries.

John’s Core Presentations

  • Ghost Town, Clone Town, Home Town
  • Don’t Serve Me… Make My Day
  • Marketing with Millennials in Mind

Contact John Stanley :
Phone: (08) 97560011
Mobile: 0407 809 914


Book Speakers for Any Budget +61 2 8005 4878

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