Book Speakers for Any Budget +61 2 8005 4878

Mark Bunn

Mark Bunn

For Booking and Contact information:

“The world’s healthiest, longest living people have never even heard of good fats, bad fats, sleep apps or optimal heart rates – they’ve simply understood the timeless wisdoms of health and happiness.“ Mark Bunn

Expert on: Speaker, author, educator, health, meditation, consciousness, work-life balance.

If you haven’t heard about health and wellness expert Mark Bunn until now, you will be hearing a lot more from now on. Mark is becoming a life-force in the health and wellness space in Australia and beyond.

His years of study and travel convinced him, without a doubt, that the combination of modern western health practices and eastern philosophy works best. There’s a purpose and inherent balance to our lives that results in great health, vitality and joy. Mark helps you achieve that balance.

Mark started his career as an AFL footballer. But it was a traumatic event in his life, the loss of his wife to breast and bone cancer that took him on a personal journey to find answers to help others avoid the pain he experienced.

His studies of both western and ancient forms of healing along with Ayurvedic medicine, culminated in his best-selling Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health, the first in a 3 book Wisdoms of Health series. Ancient Wisdom has been published in seven countries and resulted in Mark being a regular media contributor in both Australia and India. He is also the author of the highly popular Healthy People Healthy Business Program, and was a featured expert in the international best-selling Health and Wellbeing Millionaire Series.

Extensive studies of the universal productivity, time management and success strategies of highly effective business people enables Mark to help clients create and maintain sustainable balance in their lives.

Mark is also a trained teacher of the Transcendental Meditation Program (TM) and supports the Beyond Blue national depression initiative, the ‘Look Good Feel Better’ Program for Cancer Patients and the David Lynch Foundation for disadvantaged youth.

Due to the high demands of his busy writing and speaking schedule, he has developed a number of online home study programs including videos, online tools, and webinars to help people continue to improve their health and performance well after his sessions.

Mark has been delighting international audiences with his down-to-earth humour, positive attitude, and wealth of knowledge for 15 years on the topics of health, work-life balance, motivation, productivity, women’s health, mindfulness, consciousness and spirituality.

A sample client list
NAB, CBA, Westpac
Duke Corporate Education (USA)
Young Presidents Organisation (YPO)
MLC, Boeing, Toyota, BT Financial
Neways International
TM Health (Rhode Island, LA, New York, San Diego, Johannesburg)
Multiple Govt Depts, Council, School, Nursing & Care Groups

Programs and Services
Conference Keynotes, Seminars, Books, Ebooks, Audio Books, Online Home Study Programs

Sample Topics

ZEST – Secrets of the SuperHealthy
Supercharge your way to high energy low stress life balance work success

ZONE – Secrets of the SuperProductive
Do 30% more in 30% less time with 30% less stress

ZEN – Secrets of the SuperCalm
Do the job even better’ while staying superchilled & supercool

TRANS ‘ZEND’ – Secrets of the SuperSuccessful
Consciousness – The ‘one thing’ … to improve ‘everything’!

Achieve your Natural High
High energy low stress life balance work success

Beat the Busyness of Business
The ancient wisdom keys to ‘working smarter not harder’

Secrets of the World’s Healthiest People
Based on Mark’s best-selling book

The Wise Woman’s Wellness
Ancient health wisdom for the modern woman.

Consciousness … The New Cool
Transcendence, the ultimate tool for work & life success


‘Healthy People, Healthy Business’
An online program designed to help busy business people maintain good personal health and manage stress for high performance & success at work. A weekly email provides informational and motivational tips on practical performance, health, productivity and work-life balance. Tips that will help you focus on the practical healthy things you can do each week, such as:

  • Healthy meals – for better health and greater energy
  • Get moving – how to get more activity into your day
  • Optimal hydration – understand what you drink
  • Peak sleep – ensure sleep that rejuvenates
  • Work – get better work-life balance and personal time
  • Workplace health tips – exercise, snacking and managing your space
  • Energy & vitality – maximisers for greater creativity and enjoyment
  • Stress busters – for home and office

‘Transform Your Health’ Program for Women
A 12 week transformational program that you can complete in your home, at your pace. A series of 12 ‘short’ videos are complemented by a small group webinar with Mark, newsletters and ongoing support. Each program addresses 1-2 major health concerns, including: sleep problems, energy, weight, anxiety, stress, bone health, exercise etc. But critical is the understanding and appreciation you’ll gain about your body type and the foods, exercises and stress management techniques that will bring you the best results.

The Year-Round Health Program (Ayurveda)

This program teaches you the ancient science of eastern, mind-body and Ayurveda medicine to help your body align with the universal cycles of nature for optimum health and vitality year-round.


Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health, (A best-selling book. The first in the series, Wisdom of Health). – * put image of book cover here

Health & Wellbeing Millionaire (featured expert) * image of book cover

What people say:

“ … inspirational”, David Mott, National Australia Bank.

“Brilliant…awesome presenter”, “great session”, “changed my life”. Various Attendees, Ericsson Australia

“In the 12 years I have been doing this I have never had such a positive response to a presentation! Gavin Cohen, Pedders Group

“A great conference opener! Ann Davey, Australian Association of Massage Therapists

“I’ve been involved in the wellbeing industry for 25 years, and that was one of the best sessions on health and wellbeing I have ever seen.” Amanda Gore, Internationally Renowned Speaker

“One of the best Professional Development seminars I have attended in 23 years.” Beverley Bell, Penrhos College

“… Amazing”, Jeff Alford, Westpac

Contact info :
Phone 1300 558032


Book Speakers for Any Budget +61 2 8005 4878

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