Book Speakers for Any Budget +61 2 8005 4878

Rick Stevenson

Rick continues to increase his knowledge on communication, selling, leadership and what makes people tick. His teachings and programs provide a combination of simple and advanced techniques that are used by government’s and business, giving new insights into the persuasion paradigm. His presentation style is highly entertaining, motivating people to take action on these methodologies and ideas. At times humorous and also knowing when to “cut to the chase” he guides you through the skills and techniques to communicate , sell and lead better, creating a mindset that can take you to the next level.
These skills are transferrable, and can be applied to sales, training, management and leadership.

Rick’s Core Speaking Topics

The Results Structure (ESIP)
Being in business can be tough, with a high percentage going bust within the 1st 5 years.
One of the most recognised reasons for failure is not a lack of knowledge but a lack of the thinking structure that allows that information to be utilised and acted upon to make the enterprise solid.
These methodologies assist in forming the core of your decision strategy
Rick will guide you through the thinking structure of how to make your business a success and avoid the pitfalls that most business owners make.

Communication Excellence

Contact Information:
Rick Stephenson
1300 771 660


Book Speakers for Any Budget +61 2 8005 4878

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