Book Speakers for Any Budget +61 2 8005 4878

Shar Moore

For Booking and Contact information:

Known as the “YWoman”, thousands of people around the world follow Shar, as she uncovers the endless boundaries of the lives that await those who choose to pursue it. Born in Thailand and of Indian decent, she unshackled the bridles of a pre-planned life at 15 years of age, in search of a life that knows little constraint and only opportunity.
She has managed, owned and operated, multiple five star spa properties in the Far and Middle East and today is the Founder of the YGroup of companies in Australia, encompassing the YNetwork Group, YMagazine and a host of Training Programs, centred on the developing new and immerging businesses.

Shar Moore is the author of From Broke To BMW in 18 months, a chronicled memoir of her experience in recovery, after a failed business, the result of the Queensland Floods. Then through to the successful launch and development of the YGroup of companies. Her second book, Your Life Your Purpose, purely and simply illustrates the life that awaits those who elect not to accept the status quo and go in search of their “Y” and then, learn how to apply this purpose in their chosen field of business.
Shar Moore is the result of a life of dedication to the task of research, development and hands on experience, delivering her message with charm and humour in a manor that leaves an audience wanting more every time.
Her “real deal appeal” is evident from the moment she takes the stage, needing little time to engage & captivate her audience with her personal story, then intertwining her experience with methodology, to reveal a clear path forward for those wanting to expand their influence in their field.

Shar’s Topics & Passions

  • Your Life, Your Purpose – the importance of finding and living your Y
  • How To Go From Broke to BMW in 18 Months
  • Marketing On A Shoe String Budget
  • Your Network Equals Your Net Worth!
  • Creating A Brand That Get’s Attention – And Fast!

Shar’s Contact Details
Number: 1300 663 883


Book Speakers for Any Budget +61 2 8005 4878

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