For Booking and Contact information:
For almost twenty years, Simon Bowen has worked closely with Australia’s largest companies and with small to medium sized businesses and, in doing so, has been able to bring their respective trademark strengths and practices to each other. When it comes to business and organisations, his knowledge and experience is simply breath taking!
In today’s often cynical and jaded world, Simon Bowen is committed to bringing nobility back to enterprise. In the right hands, commercial enterprise is one of the greatest creative forces for good on the planet. The truly noble enterprise is profitable and self-sufficient, it provides for its community of stakeholders (including employees) and it makes a compelling and self-evident contribution to its customers. These enterprises have great leaders and it is in this arena that Simon has crafted his life’s work.
A former university lecturer, executive manager, gifted speaker, published author and one of Australia’s leading management consultants, Simon has worked in the field of high performance with organisations, the military, executives, individuals and elite athletes, including state and national teams. His unique blend of practicality and rich understanding of human nature, sees him in constant demand nationally and internationally, assisting teams and individuals to achieve exceptional performance.
Simon consistently attracts very high praise from his clients and includes among his blue ribbon list clients such as BHP Billiton, Chevron, BP, IKEA, Medibank Private, RAC, nab, Austal Ships, Mobil, Ford and Honda.
Featured in the Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, Canberra Times, Brisbane Times and WA Today, Simon is recognised as an expert in the field of people and organisations. His ability to impact at all levels to deliver projects on time, guide organisations in their improvement efforts and develop exceptional leaders, has resulted in a solid reputation based on delivering outstanding results. His rich experience makes him one of Australia’s leading “business issues” facilitators.
This, combined with Simon’s authenticity, enthusiasm and terrific sense of humour, means that not only does every audience he speaks to thoroughly enjoy his presentation, but they also come away with a much deeper level of clarity and understanding of the topic at hand.
Incorporating his love of magic into his presentations to captivate the audience and spark their curiosity, Simon has a strong belief that any audience has to be entertained in order for the content to be memorable … and he achieves that each and every time!
Simon’s Core Presentation
- How To Be The World’s Most Loved Boss And Have An Extraordinary Business Too!
- The Seven Critical Laws Of Leadership For A High Trust Enterprise.
- The Sales X-Factor – Selling With Authenticity and Nobleness.
- How To Take Massive Action – The Psychology And Science Of Getting Big Things Done!
Contact Details
Email: office@rosscrae.com.au
Website: www.simonbowen.com.au
Phone: 1300 785 464